Monday, 1 January 2007

IM Conversations: What was that glowing? (2)

Owen: Tosh, tell me this, what the hell was that weird glowing?
Tosh: Me and Ianto were wondering the same thing.
Owen: ?
Tosh: We thought that it could be residue from the energy absorbed from the previous encounters.
Owen: That doesn't really explain it though, does it?
Tosh: Well if the energy had yet to be stored, and the abundance was great, just a small amount more could have 'overflowed'
Owen: I swear he's not normal.
Tosh: What are you talking about?
Owen: The man hasn't aged since we met him
Tosh: Maybe he moisturises....
Owen: Oh great one Tosh.
Tosh: Well I don't know! Loads of men don't seem to age till they hit their late 40's
Owen: What planet are you on?
Tosh: Look at Mel Gibson and Kevin Costner.
Owen: They're movie stars paid an absolute fortune and probably go in for plastics every other week.
Tosh: He's not that far off looking like a movie star.
Owen: Oh please....
Tosh: Seriously, doesn't he look like that Tom Cruise.
Owen: Women and celebrities
Tosh: It wasn't me, it was Ianto that suggested it.
Owen: Really? That man surprises me everyday. Hang on I'll get a picture up.....
Tosh: ....
Owen: Bloody hell he does and all.
Jack: Except I'm taller, and I'm not crazy.
Owen: Argh...Busted.
Jack: Thanks for the age comment by the way.
Owen: So.... Tell us Jack, what's you secret?
Jack: A very close friendship with Z. Bigatti.
[Ianto Enters]
[Jack leaves conversation]

Ianto: Hello, just a quick note, can you please remember to turn off the monitors as I've told you before, they're upsetting Myfanwy.
Owen: Yes, okay okay. Why we had to call that thing Myfanwy I don't know, and who's Z. Bigatti?
Tosh: I'll search it....
Ianto: I do believe Myfanwy it was your idea after watching Little Britain...and Z. Bigatti is men's cosmetics based in America, Costs a bloody fortune it does.
Owen: And how would you know? And how does he get it from America?
Ianto: Well that's easy, I order it, get 20% off on Amazon at the moment three shipping as well.
Owen: Okay.... Well I've never seen any deliveries.
Ianto: I don't know why, its sitting in your store cupboard.
[Ianto leaves]
Owen: That man is full of surprises.
Tosh: Tell me about it, I wonder what else he has up his sleeves.
Owen: Why knows. Maybe he's got a cyberman locked up in the basement.
Tosh: :D More likely that he's Jack's secret lover.
Owen: I never expected to here that from you Tosh. Always the quiet ones....
Tosh: Got to go.
[Tosh Leaves Conversation]
[Owen Leaves Conversation]

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