Monday 1 January 2007

IM Conversations: Where? (13)

Gwen: I can't sleep.
Ianto: Me neither, Owen and Tosh are still here.
Gwen: I'm sorry I wanted to stay but....
Ianto: Rhys we know.
[Enters Owen]
[Enters Tosh]
Owen: His hand... The hand in the jar.... its gone.
Tosh: Where did it come from?
Ianto: Fell from the sky Christmas, 2005.
Owen: He never lets it go, he'd risk hell on earth for it.
Gwen: It has to be to do with that.
Ianto: When it fell to Earth, it was the day of the Sycorax invasion.
Owen: Everyone going wild in the streets, stuck on the rooftops.
Gwen: I should know I was one of them.
Tosh: And Harriet Jones. She kept calling for someone, UNIT were going crazy trying to find him.
Ianto: The doctor.
Gwen: Oh my god..
Tosh: What is it?
Gwen: I asked him, I asked him what the one thing would be that would have convinced him to open the void..... The right kind of Doctor.
Owen: But who the bloody hell is the doctor?
Gwen: I don't know, but that's where he'll be, it has to be right?
Tosh: How are we going to find him, there's nothing.
Ianto: Harriet Jones.

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